I got them, and will post them one min after the first game starts at 8:05...there could be a slight problem with this...please email Wilheim as well in the future, just to be safe... I cannot guarantee I will always be here to post them at the exact time needed.
Anyone who wants to email the picks , email myself and Wilheim so we both have the proof the picks were sent, one of us will post the selections a couple minutes after the first game started....
VERY IMPORTANT *****please let me know if you intend to do this.******
I really didn't want to have to play it this way, but after the plays of 9/23 it looks like I have to enter my plays through e-mail in order to have a chance to win for the year.
Sooooo......please tell me where to e-mail my plays and I will do that.
It's been a GREAT contest and I have enjoyed the chase and what I have thought to be some very worthy competition.
It's possible I am misinterpreting things.....and if so I apologize for any ill thoughts directed at my worthy rival. But I suppose the whole issue is avoided if I just use e-mail so please let me know which address(es) to send the picks to.
Thanks !!!! And thanks (again) to you & Thumper & Bet Jamaica & whoever else may have helped make this contest happen.
Zapster, you are incorrect, i was not copying your pick on the 23rd, i happened to like the mets as well and have been selective in my picks this month